ERP Case Studies

ERP Case Studies2023-02-15T09:32:20+00:00

Gradient Consulting ERP Case Studies


Company growth supported by new ERP system. Fever-Tree is a company that has grown rapidly. The company were utilising multiple systems and spreadsheets to manage what was a £100m+ turnover organisation and found that there were silos of information around the business. They could not easily obtain a single version of the truth or a 360° view of their organisation.


Global systems projects. Technology leader Promethean realised that existing business systems could no longer meet the needs of a rapidly growing company expanding into international markets. They looked for a partner to help them manage their system improvement projects which would eventually spread across three continents.

Case Study: GBG

Project Management and Governance. GBG is an identity management, location intelligence and fraud prevention company. A large scale project affecting multiple business units cropped up at a time when the internal project management team were already over-committed. It was recognised that a higher level of governance to the management of the project was required.

Kaydee Blinds/Sayfa Systems

Kaydee / Sayfa choose Gradient for ERP system selection project. Kaydee Blinds and Sayfa Systems are two separate, but co-owned, companies both supplying products and services to the construction industry. Kaydee’s current ERP system was no longer able to support its operations efficiently, and Sayfa’s rapid growth was beginning to be restricted by the lack of integrated IT systems.

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Over 22 years in business.


100+ years experience in industry and ERP.


We work with you, not for any vendor.


Trusted in our field of expertise.

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