Gradient Consulting ERP Case Studies
Case Study: Egbert Taylor
Taylor get ERP implementation support from Gradient. Taylor had been working on an implementation of Infor’s CloudSuite for several months. The objective was to replace a diverse range of legacy systems with a single ERP package. As the planned go-live date approached, there was an increasing concern and outside support was sought.
Global systems projects. Technology leader Promethean realised that existing business systems could no longer meet the needs of a rapidly growing company expanding into international markets. They looked for a partner to help them manage their system improvement projects which would eventually spread across three continents.
Buoyant Upholstery
ERP System Selection. Having taken over the business as part of an MBO, Buoyant management recognised the risks and therefore decided to undergo an ERP system selection project. The new system had to handle all facets of the business from product design and change management, planning through to product configuration of orders, scheduling of shop floor on “make to order” basis, dispatch/transport planning, handling of customer issues and accounts.
CAV Aerospace
ERP optimises global business processes. CAV Aerospace operates from eleven sites around the world. Prior to the project, only the head office sites were on the core ERP system, the remaining eight sites were operating on a range of legacy systems, spreadsheets and locally developed databases.
Kaydee Blinds/Sayfa Systems
Kaydee / Sayfa choose Gradient for ERP system selection project. Kaydee Blinds and Sayfa Systems are two separate, but co-owned, companies both supplying products and services to the construction industry. Kaydee’s current ERP system was no longer able to support its operations efficiently, and Sayfa’s rapid growth was beginning to be restricted by the lack of integrated IT systems.