Next in our series of blogs introducing our team, we have Kath Ditchfield, our Head of Projects.

Have you ever wanted to know more about the Gradient team? We’ve asked each team member a range of questions that we think will help you understand what makes them tick. This month we’re talking to Kath, our Head of Projects.

Over to Kath!


How do you help Gradient clients?

I help our clients by working with the project managers and consultants to make sure that the work is prioritised correctly and to help with scheduling so that the consultants don’t get double booked. I’m also here to help with any issues that can’t be resolved by the Project Managers.


What is your non-negotiable before you start work each day?

A cup of tea and a shower. It wakes me up so I can start the day refreshed and invigorated.


How do you plan your day?/What do you need to do in your day?

I always start by checking my inbox and calendar as these give me an idea of what needs to be done each day. I’m pretty strict with myself and put everything I need to do in there so I don’t forget anything.

I have quite a variety of work in my role, so I could be out visiting a client, sitting at my desk looking at the budgets and forecasts or talking to the team about our current projects. Multitasking and juggling are definitely two of the major skills I need to do my job well.


What is the best thing about working at Gradient?

I know this is going to sound really cheesy but it’s the people. We have a great team at Gradient and we all get on really well. Other than that, the variety of work makes it a really interesting place to work.


What has been your career highlight?

There have been several career highlights over the years with most of them being celebrations at the end of successful projects but I guess graduating with a degree in Business Studies at the age of 30 whilst on maternity leave with 2 very young children was one of my proudest moments.


What did you do before you worked at Gradient?

Before I joined Gradient in 2020 I spent 16 years working for a wholesale/distribution company and I held several positions over the years, starting on the phones in the Sales Office and ending on their Senior Management Team as Head of Operational Support where I managed the General Office, IT Department and Facilities Management.

Along the way, I was responsible for several large projects, mainly in IT, which has put me in good stead for the work I do at Gradient.


What is your favourite film or TV program?

I really enjoy crime dramas & thrillers such as the Harlan Corben series and I’ve read quite a few of his books as well. I also enjoyed watching Line of Duty, at least until the final episode when most of England shouted at the screen in disappointment as ‘H’ was revealed!


Which sport do you enjoy watching? 

I enjoy watching a mix of different sports including tennis, football and motorsports such as Formula 1 and MotoGP. I’ve been lucky enough to go to Wimbledon a few times now and it’s always a highlight of the year.


If you were on our quiz team, what would your specialist subject be?

This is a hard one. I’m not bad at quizzes and will often surprise myself when watching TV quizzes by knowing some random answers that I didn’t think I’d get. I think I’d be better at cryptic or puzzle type questions but I won’t be applying for Only Connect any time soon. If I had to pick one then I would probably say West End Shows. I’ve seen quite a few already and it would be a good excuse to go to more!


Finally, what is one thing about you that someone may not know?

I used to play the viola in an orchestra when I was younger although having not done it for years I’m not sure I can even read sheet music any more so please don’t ask for a recital!


Thank you to Kath for being our next team member to write a post, we hope you enjoyed it. We’ll be posting these between our other blogs, so watch out for our next team member.

If you want to see how we can help you with any of the SyteLine topics that Kath has raised, then please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.