
Change Management: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

2023-02-15T11:00:09+00:00June 17th, 2020|Categories: ERP Advice, ERP & Business Systems, ERP Implementation, ERP Latest News|Tags: , , , |

Change Management: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? In this piece, we've called upon Lead Consultant, Pete Doyle, to share his expert outlook for your benefit. Discover how change management might help prevent some common project failures.

How to Emerge Stronger & Leaner than Ever Before

2023-02-15T11:10:02+00:00May 13th, 2020|Categories: ERP & Business Systems, ERP Advice, ERP Latest News|Tags: , , , |

How to Emerge Stronger & Leaner than Ever Before. Gradient Consulting launches a ‘spring clean’ service guaranteed to provide actionable information on how to ensure everything works at an optimal efficiency level for when productivity increases again.

Case Study: GBG

2023-05-25T11:25:55+01:00February 4th, 2020|Categories: Case Studies, ERP & Business Systems, ERP Latest News|Tags: , , , |

Project Management and Governance. GBG is an identity management, location intelligence and fraud prevention company. A large scale project affecting multiple business units cropped up at a time when the internal project management team were already over-committed. It was recognised that a higher level of governance to the management of the project was required.

Your Roadmap to Success: ERP Implementation

2023-02-15T12:11:57+00:00September 4th, 2019|Categories: ERP Advice, ERP Implementation, ERP Latest News|Tags: , , |

Our roadmap provides the steps to increase your chances of implementation success. You have probably heard the worrying figures that around half of ERP projects fail. Our roadmap offers failure prevention by keeping people and processes at the heart of the implementation agenda.

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